
My boss is unhinged and I am ready to quit.

I’ve posted here many times. I’ve been working under these absurd conditions for over 4 years. Basically I took this job to have a steady schedule so that I could go to school and save up as much as possible to quit my senior year of college. I am trying to stay until February of next year so that I could lock in one final bonus plus the profit sharing into my 401k but I’m finding it increasingly harder to deal with her antics. I came in this morning to several passive aggressive notes telling me I didn’t place my contact calls for specific clients 3 months after their portfolio review. I actually did and I called her to tell her to go look at the accounts and read my notes because they’re there!!!! Every day my co worker and I get reprimanded for not completing tasks that we actually…

I’ve posted here many times. I’ve been working under these absurd conditions for over 4 years. Basically I took this job to have a steady schedule so that I could go to school and save up as much as possible to quit my senior year of college. I am trying to stay until February of next year so that I could lock in one final bonus plus the profit sharing into my 401k but I’m finding it increasingly harder to deal with her antics.

I came in this morning to several passive aggressive notes telling me I didn’t place my contact calls for specific clients 3 months after their portfolio review. I actually did and I called her to tell her to go look at the accounts and read my notes because they’re there!!!! Every day my co worker and I get reprimanded for not completing tasks that we actually did complete. We get abused for no reason and when we call her out she laughs it off and we don’t even get a sorry.

Part of me wants to quit now because the constant attacks stress me to no end but the other part feels like I’m robbing myself of the benefits i’d get if I stay until February.

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