
my boss is very not good

shitty title, i just am at a loss for how i can describe this. i work for a small locally owned business in a tourist town (so no HR or anything) and i just need to vent about how badly my boss treats me. dont even know what my point in posting this is, i just need a place to put my thoughts. today my boss called me a racial slur. im mexican, and the town i work in is EXTREMELY white. not the first time either. im currently the only remaining employee, (everyone has gone back to school, i am a dropout) but during the summer he treated me and all other female employees horribly. today i found out he has been stealing my tips, and cheating me out of my pay. i do a lot of outdoor repair jobs here, and people tip for those jobs. found out…

shitty title, i just am at a loss for how i can describe this. i work for a small locally owned business in a tourist town (so no HR or anything) and i just need to vent about how badly my boss treats me. dont even know what my point in posting this is, i just need a place to put my thoughts. today my boss called me a racial slur. im mexican, and the town i work in is EXTREMELY white. not the first time either. im currently the only remaining employee, (everyone has gone back to school, i am a dropout) but during the summer he treated me and all other female employees horribly. today i found out he has been stealing my tips, and cheating me out of my pay. i do a lot of outdoor repair jobs here, and people tip for those jobs. found out hes been pocketing my tips. sorry this is a little incoherent, im just pissed off and also sick right now. put in my two weeks btw

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