
My boss is worried that her attitude is driving workers away

I just need to vent. I found out on the “down low” that my boss is worried that her attitude is going to cause people to quit. So has she made any changes, no! Does she still micromanage and jump on people for making minor mistakes and harp on them. Absolutely. I work as a cat groomer and boarding care giver and just within the past month she has: Overbooked boarding, checked out the wrong cats with the wrong owners, continually doesn’t add groomer consults (even though she was the one that wanted these) double books the grooming schedule, decided to start groomer earlier WITHOUT consulting anyone, deleted time blocks for lunches, forgot to schedule people to work leaving us understaffed, but of course if we bring any of this up, she gets defensive and brings up the most minor screw ups. Like today she chewed us out because someone…

I just need to vent. I found out on the “down low” that my boss is worried that her attitude is going to cause people to quit.

So has she made any changes, no! Does she still micromanage and jump on people for making minor mistakes and harp on them. Absolutely.

I work as a cat groomer and boarding care giver and just within the past month she has:

Overbooked boarding, checked out the wrong cats with the wrong owners, continually doesn’t add groomer consults (even though she was the one that wanted these) double books the grooming schedule, decided to start groomer earlier WITHOUT consulting anyone, deleted time blocks for lunches, forgot to schedule people to work leaving us understaffed, but of course if we bring any of this up, she gets defensive and brings up the most minor screw ups.

Like today she chewed us out because someone missed taking out her tiny trash can.

I mean, if you’re so worried about staff quitting then maybe you should, I dunno, CHANGE.

3 people are leaving at the end of summer and I’m (unfortunately) looking for another job and hoping to be the fourth.

Thank you for coming to my TED Rant

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