
My boss just informed us that they will now be monitoring the security cameras for good posture…help

I started at this job about 2 months ago. It’s a front desk position at a neighborhood rec center and the HOA for the community is also run out of the same office. I took the job because it pays decently and it’s a relatively easy gig. Unfortunately since I started there’s already been a lot of changes that I didn’t know were coming when I started. When I took the job I was told I would be able to read or do homework during downtime, both of which are no longer allowed. Last month (on my day off), we had a front desk only staff meeting where they spent the entire time yelling at us about rules we didn’t know about. They told us hoodies were not allowed at work anymore and that they expected us to “elevate” our dress but did not give any other parameters regarding the…

I started at this job about 2 months ago. It’s a front desk position at a neighborhood rec center and the HOA for the community is also run out of the same office. I took the job because it pays decently and it’s a relatively easy gig. Unfortunately since I started there’s already been a lot of changes that I didn’t know were coming when I started.

When I took the job I was told I would be able to read or do homework during downtime, both of which are no longer allowed. Last month (on my day off), we had a front desk only staff meeting where they spent the entire time yelling at us about rules we didn’t know about. They told us hoodies were not allowed at work anymore and that they expected us to “elevate” our dress but did not give any other parameters regarding the dress code. They also want us to start selling the events put on the by the HOA even though we’re not salesmen and currently there are only two things happening in the next month (we were only given the info on them the other day). There are a lot of things about this company that I don’t like, but I was going to try to look past all of this because the pay is pretty good and I like my coworkers.

That was until this morning when my coworker texted me warning that the next time I work I will have to sign a document saying I acknowledge that I will now be monitored via security cameras for “appropriate posture, staying on task, attire, and no eating- candy or otherwise.” I’m not sure what prompted this decision from managers because the worst offense me or any of my coworkers have committed recently is looking at our phones or god forbid—slouching! It’s also kind of come out nowhere because in the no hoodies staff meeting, we specifically mentioned that we feel like we’re being watched constantly and the managers reassured us that they want to get away from that sort of thing, then one month later—this. This is becoming my final straw. Had I known going into this job that there was a possibility of me being watched constantly I probably wouldn’t have taken it. I know some of the other employees are fed up too. I’m looking at other jobs but came to ask for advice because I literally just finished training for this job and don’t want to go through the hiring process again if I can avoid it.

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