
My boss just tried to manipulate me into staying

I quit my job today and yesterday, I blocked her number because I am an extremely avoidant person and I hate conflict. She used one of my coworkers phone to contact me and tried to blame other people for her reaction to my work. She also tried to tell me I was repleacable, that she just did not want me to leave on such a sour note, whilst also telling me that she was in big shit for her openings and closings since one of my other coworker is on sick leave. She also never called the other people that quit to convince them to give them their two weeks like she did to me, but i'm repleacable, right? She even had the fucking audacity to say that if I quit because of her, there was no garantee that she would not end up wherever I end up, which I…

I quit my job today and yesterday, I blocked her number because I am an extremely avoidant person and I hate conflict. She used one of my coworkers phone to contact me and tried to blame other people for her reaction to my work. She also tried to tell me I was repleacable, that she just did not want me to leave on such a sour note, whilst also telling me that she was in big shit for her openings and closings since one of my other coworker is on sick leave. She also never called the other people that quit to convince them to give them their two weeks like she did to me, but i'm repleacable, right? She even had the fucking audacity to say that if I quit because of her, there was no garantee that she would not end up wherever I end up, which I feel like is intimidation and kind of a threat?

I was recently promoted and with that came her constant little jabs about my performance and she made me feel like I never did enough, but at the same time they always called me to work on my only two days off without overtime pay since it was not over 40 hours a week.

Almost everybody at my job feels stressed and want to leave because of this boss. She yells at clients and threats us like shit. She even forced me to work when I had covid ffs. For my vacation, she asked me to choose between two weeks and I picked the one that overlapped between my two parents a month and a half ago. But now, one of the students that was here before me chose that week to leave, but she still told me that she would give it to me if I had something organised, only to tell me yesterday that I won't be able to leave that week. I told her I would think about coming back on monday, but I'm not. I just hope she won't call me again and will take my no for a fucking answer.

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