
My boss let me go because I couldn’t work a shift.

A quick backstory: I’m a 20 year old female and I work at a coffee shop and have been since January 12th of this year. I truly do enjoy working as a barista but have always had a problem with the owner/manager. She would constantly micromanage me and then even would tell me not to interact with customers because that’s what her job was for. She would even come in some times and make rude comments to me about how my hair looked or that I look odd or tired. One time my family came in to say hi and then my manger offered cookies to my siblings without even asking them if they wanted it and proceeded to tell me I have to pay for it (even though she offered it to them when they didn’t want it!!!) she would also make rude comments about customers and sometimes even…

A quick backstory: I’m a 20 year old female and I work at a coffee shop and have been since January 12th of this year. I truly do enjoy working as a barista but have always had a problem with the owner/manager. She would constantly micromanage me and then even would tell me not to interact with customers because that’s what her job was for. She would even come in some times and make rude comments to me about how my hair looked or that I look odd or tired. One time my family came in to say hi and then my manger offered cookies to my siblings without even asking them if they wanted it and proceeded to tell me I have to pay for it (even though she offered it to them when they didn’t want it!!!) she would also make rude comments about customers and sometimes even make fun of the way they looked after they left and it would just be a very award situation because I was always put in this weird situation and wouldn’t know what to say. Everyday it was something else from her but I just always put up with it because work was only a five minute drive from my house, and with gas being so expensive lately I didn’t think it was worth finding another job that was further away. I also enjoyed the people I worked with which was another factor that kept me working there. Recently, since it’s summer, I picked up another job working at a wine bar, the owners are amazing and tips are great. It was just a nice change of environment from the coffee shop. I told my boss that I have been working there and need to cut down on hours (keep in mind since January 18th I have worked the schedule she would give me and never asked for a day off or coverage. She would schedule me closing shifts and then have me open the next day, but I never complained to her) she got upset that I was working another job and said that I should be her number one and if I wanted more hours I should come to her for it. What she doesn’t understand is that she created such a hostile work environment that I honestly just wanted a change of environment and didn’t want to work more hours there because it was exhausting me. So she agreed to cut back my hours but was not very happy about that even though I only cut it down by 6 hours (I usually work 40 hours a week there so now it was only 34 hours) then I told her I wouldn’t be able to work the Fourth of July because I would be at the wine bar, yet she proceeded to schedule me (3 weeks in advance) only on that one day. That was the first day I have ever requested off the 6 months of working there. I called her and let her know again that I wouldn’t be able to work that day. She then texted me two days later and then let me go over text message because I couldn’t work that day and that she didn’t like me working at the wine bar too and that my time should be focused at the coffee shop. I don’t understand, I guess this is a blessing in disguise because of how much stress this job gave me, but I’ve never been let go before and it’s driving me crazy! I guess I feel like maybe I should have worked harder so she would have wanted to keep me, and I also am just looking to see if she’s in the wrong here? Any thoughts on this would be very much appreciated, thank you!!!

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