
my boss likes to day trade during the day.

One day he asked me “Why do people explode?” What he ment was, why do people lose there work ethic and always turn out to be bad employees. I couldn't tell him then, but it's super simple and obvious. We come in everyday, and we work hard. 8 hours a day. And when we get paid, it's so low, I had to get a second job just to pay rent. Then he's on our backs telling us “faster, more, faster, more.” Then, we see him go back to his office and day trade. All. Day. Long. He doesn't work. He gets to make more money , while profiting off of out labor. I feel like I'm wasting my life and working my fingers to the bone, and I have nothing to show for it. Nothing. It's so fucking unfair. Of fucking corse people explode.

One day he asked me “Why do people explode?” What he ment was, why do people lose there work ethic and always turn out to be bad employees. I couldn't tell him then, but it's super simple and obvious.

We come in everyday, and we work hard. 8 hours a day. And when we get paid, it's so low, I had to get a second job just to pay rent. Then he's on our backs telling us “faster, more, faster, more.” Then, we see him go back to his office and day trade. All. Day. Long. He doesn't work. He gets to make more money , while profiting off of out labor. I feel like I'm wasting my life and working my fingers to the bone, and I have nothing to show for it. Nothing. It's so fucking unfair. Of fucking corse people explode.

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