
My boss made a racial comment and I don’t know how to proceed.

My boss is a dentist and I am an assistant. We were getting a patient numb for an extraction. The tooth was infected deep so the local anesthetic we use can only do so much. The patient felt some of the procedure and was in pain, so they made some moans and noises. Afterwards, while we are in the back my boss says, “Why can black people never handle pain well?” and laughed. I didn’t know what to say so I said nothing. The patient was black and we are both white. Everyone who works there is white and there are conservative undertones to the workplace where race has been talked about from other coworkers. It’s been hard to work with him since. I don’t respect him for what he said. I don’t think I can work for someone who treats people for medical issues but clearly has a prejudice.…

My boss is a dentist and I am an assistant. We were getting a patient numb for an extraction. The tooth was infected deep so the local anesthetic we use can only do so much. The patient felt some of the procedure and was in pain, so they made some moans and noises. Afterwards, while we are in the back my boss says, “Why can black people never handle pain well?” and laughed. I didn’t know what to say so I said nothing. The patient was black and we are both white. Everyone who works there is white and there are conservative undertones to the workplace where race has been talked about from other coworkers. It’s been hard to work with him since. I don’t respect him for what he said. I don’t think I can work for someone who treats people for medical issues but clearly has a prejudice. He’s always been kind to me but I don’t want to be associated with his business.

What should I do? Am I overreacting? How do I confront him?

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