
My boss plays favorites and breaks rules for everyone but me

I don’t know if this is the right place to post this but I just needed to get this off my chest. My boss is nice and for the most part fine but there’s been a few things here and there that she’s said or done that have really turned me off to her and this job. Our company has a rule that employees in their first year are not permitted to work from home at all, after the year is up you can take a day here and there at your managers approval if you have something going on or need to travel. When I had Covid and needed to still do some things, she sent me an email that was like “I shouldn’t be doing this because I could get in trouble and it’s not allowed, but I am permitting you only 4 hours of WFH a day.”…

I don’t know if this is the right place to post this but I just needed to get this off my chest. My boss is nice and for the most part fine but there’s been a few things here and there that she’s said or done that have really turned me off to her and this job. Our company has a rule that employees in their first year are not permitted to work from home at all, after the year is up you can take a day here and there at your managers approval if you have something going on or need to travel. When I had Covid and needed to still do some things, she sent me an email that was like “I shouldn’t be doing this because I could get in trouble and it’s not allowed, but I am permitting you only 4 hours of WFH a day.” Meanwhile, she lets my coworker who started the same day as me work remotely all the time and it’s no big deal. Hell, my coworker who started less than 2 months ago was allowed to work from home today. It feels like she’s playing favorites and I’m not one of them.

Part of me thinks this all stems from an incident back in June, I had a decent sized fuck up where I double booked myself and it caused some stress to our sales director. I owned up to it and tried to do everything I could to make it right, but also, it felt like they made it out to be the end of the world when I don’t know if it warranted that. The sales director even said she could’ve followed up and provided me info (she basically asked me to do the thing, didn’t give me any info and I forgot about it). Still, it got me a not great performance review on my file and a memo basically stating that I’m on probation, which to be honest I didn’t think was fair. The review said I wasn’t doing things that I was never told I needed to be doing. I went into extreme stress mode and worked like crazy to try and get back on track. She told me a few weeks afterwards that I needed to keep it up and said “I don’t care about your social life or anything your #1 priority needs to be work.”

I’ve since gotten out of the “probation” period but I still feel like she just wishes she hired someone else for my position. I’m young and this is my first job out of college, so I’m trying to learn but I feel like all of this pressure to be perfect. And she barely every talks to me, she’s really chatty and basically friends with everyone else in the office but I only talk to her when either of us needs something.

Anyways, thanks for reading this if you’re still here. I have moments where I enjoy this job but sometimes the stress makes me wonder if it’s worth it to get paid $45k a year (granted, with amazing benefits). I wish I could win the lottery.

TL;DR: boss plays favorites and breaks rules for others but not me, maybe stemming from an incident a few months ago.

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