
My boss refuses to fire me.

My boss and the head district manager are refusing to terminate my employment are actively working to have me replaced. Despite numerous emails and texts asking her to do it the legal way she still refuses to let me go because she doesn't want to give me termination pay. She has insisted many times that I'm still employed but will not schedule me and will not give me access to my vacation pay. I contacted my labour board and they told me that she needs to present me with a schedule or she can give me notice of my termination, termination pay or a combination. Still she refuses because she wants me to formally resign and forfeit my vacation pay. The entire staff knows because I've become a topic a conversation. They keep encouraging to not resign and stick it out because they are scared of her. Retaliation is quite…

My boss and the head district manager are refusing to terminate my employment are actively working to have me replaced.

Despite numerous emails and texts asking her to do it the legal way she still refuses to let me go because she doesn't want to give me termination pay.

She has insisted many times that I'm still employed but will not schedule me and will not give me access to my vacation pay. I contacted my labour board and they told me that she needs to present me with a schedule or she can give me notice of my termination, termination pay or a combination.

Still she refuses because she wants me to formally resign and forfeit my vacation pay. The entire staff knows because I've become a topic a conversation. They keep encouraging to not resign and stick it out because they are scared of her. Retaliation is quite common in my workplace.

So a month and a half later I'm still dealing with this situation. I have another job, so I'm perfectly fine but a part of me (the people pleasing side) worries that I'm causing her stress and that I should just let this go.

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