
My boss sent me home for “moping” about the Uvalde shooting.

I work for a trade company as what I like to call a “shop associate,” but I’m more or less a glorified errand boy. I have two brothers the same age as the children that were murdered yesterday. As soon as I brought it up, my boss immediately got hostile toward me. “It happens every day, why are you worried about something that happened 5 states away?” Then not more than 10 minutes later, he comes out into the shop and tells me, “if you’re gonna just mope around, then go home. We don’t need it, we have work to do.” I was moping, to be sure, who the fuck isn’t right now? It isn’t like I was just sitting with my head in my hands, I was working at a steady pace. And this is on the heels of him turning me down outright for a raise this Monday…

I work for a trade company as what I like to call a “shop associate,” but I’m more or less a glorified errand boy. I have two brothers the same age as the children that were murdered yesterday. As soon as I brought it up, my boss immediately got hostile toward me. “It happens every day, why are you worried about something that happened 5 states away?”

Then not more than 10 minutes later, he comes out into the shop and tells me, “if you’re gonna just mope around, then go home. We don’t need it, we have work to do.”

I was moping, to be sure, who the fuck isn’t right now? It isn’t like I was just sitting with my head in my hands, I was working at a steady pace. And this is on the heels of him turning me down outright for a raise this Monday after TWO YEARS without.

That’s about it.

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