
my boss sent me home today (I work in a kitchen)

my boss sent me home today after cursing at me…I work in a restaurant . I live in Florida. There was a hurricane as a result my restaurant was hugely busy for some reason. We were also short staffed. And lots of tasks from the night before we're incomplete. Not to mention one of the coolers was down. So I had to ice everything down. My boss doesn't deal with high stress very well and frequently has random outbursts. After clocking out I sent him this text. It probably wasn't the most professional but I was pretty angry. Still waiting for a response. “Just fyi after your little tantrum where you told me to make what he asked me to make; he never asked me to make anything. He told me I had eggs on the rail he didn't need. Not that he needed something cooked. He asked for a…

my boss sent me home today after cursing at me…I work in a restaurant .

I live in Florida. There was a hurricane as a result my restaurant was hugely busy for some reason. We were also short staffed. And lots of tasks from the night before we're incomplete. Not to mention one of the coolers was down. So I had to ice everything down. My boss doesn't deal with high stress very well and frequently has random outbursts.

After clocking out I sent him this text. It probably wasn't the most professional but I was pretty angry. Still waiting for a response.

“Just fyi after your little tantrum where you told me to make what he asked me to make; he never asked me to make anything.

He told me I had eggs on the rail he didn't need. Not that he needed something cooked. He asked for a scramble soft which I was going to make. I had tickets that needed multiple egg sets.

I don't know what your issue was today. But you seriously have some anger issues. Like when I informed you that the egg side fridge was empty. You freaked out. As if if I had closed the station the night previous! I didn't work yesterday!

Meanwhile. I was chopping bacon. Because the close the day before was incomplete. So please, don't ever talk to me that way again. Your communication skills are very poor. You're supposed to be a leader but you didn't have my back today.

You couldn't even inform me that you changed my open time yesterday. I had to text you at 730 at night to find out.

Honestly yelling and telling me to shut up and all of that cursing today, that was really low man. I can't believe that. And you're my boss, what recourse do I even have? “

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