
My boss sucks ass

I’ve been working in construction/ industrial maintenance for 7 years (since I graduated high school at 18 y/o.). In the past year and a half I’ve been working as a safety technician for the contractor I’m with since we have 65+ guys on-site and it would be an absolute nightmare for the safety manager to try to cover auditing, training, etc. 65+ guys without any assistance. So I immediately take it by the reins and try my hand at it. The first 6 months go smoothly. Learning auditing and training techniques, how to investigate safety incidents, orientating new hires, the whole works. Thinking that I truly love this line of work until the beginning of the new year. The site safety manager (my boss) looks at me and says “I’m gonna start giving you a little bit more responsibility because I may take another job offer in a few months.”…

I’ve been working in construction/ industrial maintenance for 7 years (since I graduated high school at 18 y/o.). In the past year and a half I’ve been working as a safety technician for the contractor I’m with since we have 65+ guys on-site and it would be an absolute nightmare for the safety manager to try to cover auditing, training, etc. 65+ guys without any assistance. So I immediately take it by the reins and try my hand at it. The first 6 months go smoothly. Learning auditing and training techniques, how to investigate safety incidents, orientating new hires, the whole works. Thinking that I truly love this line of work until the beginning of the new year. The site safety manager (my boss) looks at me and says “I’m gonna start giving you a little bit more responsibility because I may take another job offer in a few months.” Okay, cool, I’m down for that. Dive deeper into the work that it takes to make the site run smoothly (safety-wise at least), get another OSHA certification, take damn near all safety responsibilities and carry them out on my own. This is where I screwed up. Never, and I mean NEVER, make work too easy on your boss because I now carry the load on auditing, training, orientating, investigating incidents, and coordinating safety meetings while getting paid $6 less dollars an hour that my boss while he sits in the office and makes TikToks all day and plays on Snapchat if he decides to even come to work or show up late. The Site Superintendent and Manager have commented on his recent absences and tardiness, but their hands are tired since the regional safety manager is the only person who can terminate a safety manager. So let my experience heed a warning to everybody in a mid-management position. Never make your bosses life too easy!

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