
My boss thinks I’m on drugs because I have anxiety. Advice needed please.

Hi everyone bit of an odd scenario however as the title states my boss is suspicious of me being on drugs at work because I have anxiety and I get really nervous while talking to him. This is mainly over one particular interaction that happened yesterday morning. I was opening the store (I’m an assistant manager), it was 6:10 AM and I didn’t expect anyone else to come in so I was surprised and a little startled when I saw the owner of the store (my boss) come in. It was my first day back from vacation yesterday and I was a little anxious about coming back and I was also anxious about other things going on in my life. I also had a terrible stomach ache yesterday I don’t know if it was something I ate but me being anxious definitely didn’t help. We start to make conversation and…

Hi everyone bit of an odd scenario however as the title states my boss is suspicious of me being on drugs at work because I have anxiety and I get really nervous while talking to him.

This is mainly over one particular interaction that happened yesterday morning. I was opening the store (I’m an assistant manager), it was 6:10 AM and I didn’t expect anyone else to come in so I was surprised and a little startled when I saw the owner of the store (my boss) come in.

It was my first day back from vacation yesterday and I was a little anxious about coming back and I was also anxious about other things going on in my life. I also had a terrible stomach ache yesterday I don’t know if it was something I ate but me being anxious definitely didn’t help.

We start to make conversation and everything was fine at first but I was already sweating before we started talking and since I had to step away from the fan I was using to talk to him I started sweating a little more. I also have a horrible problem of my face getting red, I don’t know how to stop it and it really affects my social interactions so I could feel my face getting red but I thought it wasn’t too bad. Well apparently it was bad enough to the point where he asked me if I was okay and said I looked very flush, I tried to laugh it off and said it was hot in here to which he said it’s cold in a jokingly manner but then leaned in towards me and said “you’re sweating”.

So that’s when I told him I wasn’t feeling very well and I had a stomach ache and I was just feeling achy in general. He told me to grab a Covid test and go home for the day and to let him know how I feel later. It was a very awkward interaction and it made me be even more anxious the rest of the day. Anyways fast forward to today at work I decided to wear a mask just in case and everything was fine I even said hi to my boss and told him that I was feeling better and everything seem fine.

My coworker later tells me that our boss was asking him questions about me like like do our interaction seem normal between my coworker and I that kind of stuff. Then he flat out asked my coworker if he thinks I might be under the influence of anything to which my coworker said no because why would anyone think I’m under the influence of anything. I was very shocked to hear this and I feel very uncomfortable at work now. My boss also isn’t a very people person type and is very intimidating in general. Apologies for the long post I could just really use some advice.

TL;DR My boss thinks I could be using illegal substances either before or during work because of an awkward interaction between us.

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