
My boss threaten to fire me so I quit.

Hi just here to share my story about my terrible boss! I recently started working for a real estate development company in August. 2 weeks ago I got called into my managers office she stated that I had made a mistake on one of my assignments and that this was unacceptable her extract words were “you need to pay more attention to detail because I don’t know how much longer I can take this”. Every single time I had questions about my assignments it was met with “you should know this already” or I’m too busy right now or even with an attitude and an eye roll….The next day she came in and praised me for the quality of work I was providing and tried to chat like we were friends all day but NEVER ONCE apologized for speaking to me the way she did and even yelling at me.…

Hi just here to share my story about my terrible boss! I recently started working for a real estate development company in August. 2 weeks ago I got called into my managers office she stated that I had made a mistake on one of my assignments and that this was unacceptable her extract words were “you need to pay more attention to detail because I don’t know how much longer I can take this”. Every single time I had questions about my assignments it was met with “you should know this already” or I’m too busy right now or even with an attitude and an eye roll….The next day she came in and praised me for the quality of work I was providing and tried to chat like we were friends all day but NEVER ONCE apologized for speaking to me the way she did and even yelling at me. I decided to resigned the day after that because if you’re going to threaten my job because YOU haven’t taught me how to do my job correctly and you’re going to catch an attitude every single time I ask a question I’M OUT!!!!!CRASH AND BURNNNN!!!!

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