
My boss told everyone at the store that I stole from the register when he knows I didn’t

My former boss told everyone, INCLUDING A BUNCH OF RANDOM CUSTOMERS that I stole from the register even though I am 99% sure he knows I did not. I simply miscounted my drawer at the end of the day (which he also did frequently) and my other boss literally found the $30 as soon as she counted the safe that evening. I am almost positive she told him because she told me as well several times. He took me off the schedule for THREE WEEKS because of this and there was nothing I could do about it. According to my coworkers he was also LAUGHING when he took me off the schedule. My other bosses contacted the district manager several times on my behalf but she ignored them. Thankfully he himself was fired several days ago and I was put back on the schedule. We are all psyched because everyone…

My former boss told everyone, INCLUDING A BUNCH OF RANDOM CUSTOMERS that I stole from the register even though I am 99% sure he knows I did not. I simply miscounted my drawer at the end of the day (which he also did frequently) and my other boss literally found the $30 as soon as she counted the safe that evening. I am almost positive she told him because she told me as well several times. He took me off the schedule for THREE WEEKS because of this and there was nothing I could do about it. According to my coworkers he was also LAUGHING when he took me off the schedule. My other bosses contacted the district manager several times on my behalf but she ignored them.

Thankfully he himself was fired several days ago and I was put back on the schedule. We are all psyched because everyone hated him and he severely lowered our customer service reputation because he was an asshole to customers too. He tried to get almost all of us fired for no discernible reason (despite constantly complaining that there weren’t enough people working here and he had to work by himself too often) and even tried to get one of my bosses falsely arrested. Everyone I work with now is very cool and nice.

I have literally no idea why he would’ve done this to me. I am a good worker, everyone else at the store likes me, and I’ve never been anything but nice to him. I suspect some kind of power trip.

I am now mortified that a bunch of customers at the store now probably think I am a thief. Although he is gone now and I am still here so I guess that speaks for itself. I hope for his sake he got another job because last I heard he and his family were homeless but I am so fucking glad he’s gone.

The district manager never did a single thing about him even though we all put in complaints. I don’t even know why he eventually got fired. This store and frankly the entire franchise is severely mismanaged and the lowest tier employees exclusively get blamed for it. Fuck every single corporation.

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