
My boss told me I’d get fired for discussing pay?

I was under the impression that legally I’m allowed to discuss pay. For context, I was just talking to my boss in the back, not in front of customers. I wasn’t talking down on the company. We are just both in management, and I could be moving up to their job one day, so I was curious. I said “how much do you get paid? I get paid xyz.” She quickly said back “I could get fired for answering that question and you could get fired for asking it.” I just thought this was illegal, to fire people for discussing pay.

I was under the impression that legally I’m allowed to discuss pay.
For context, I was just talking to my boss in the back, not in front of customers. I wasn’t talking down on the company. We are just both in management, and I could be moving up to their job one day, so I was curious. I said “how much do you get paid? I get paid xyz.” She quickly said back “I could get fired for answering that question and you could get fired for asking it.”
I just thought this was illegal, to fire people for discussing pay.

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