
My boss told me that I’m not doing my job.

My job has multiple job titles. I drive, I feed and change people, and also teach math. I work with people with disabilities in California, so I drive some clients from home to work, and from work to their homes using the company vehicle. I've been driving clients for two years now. Last week my boss asked for my personal car insurance since the last one I gave them expired. I said no since I don't drive my personal car, so there should be no reason for them to have my information. Boss got defensive, and said it was company policy. She printed out the company policy for me, and it said it right there, we need insurance to drive, and must have a certain policy. After taking the company policy home, I was really thinking about it. The company vehicles do not have any dash cameras. I am constantly…

My job has multiple job titles. I drive, I feed and change people, and also teach math. I work with people with disabilities in California, so I drive some clients from home to work, and from work to their homes using the company vehicle. I've been driving clients for two years now. Last week my boss asked for my personal car insurance since the last one I gave them expired. I said no since I don't drive my personal car, so there should be no reason for them to have my information. Boss got defensive, and said it was company policy. She printed out the company policy for me, and it said it right there, we need insurance to drive, and must have a certain policy.

After taking the company policy home, I was really thinking about it. The company vehicles do not have any dash cameras. I am constantly getting tailgaited, and people cut me off since I drive safely with passengers in the vehicle, and go the speed limit. Without any dash cameras, I have zero protection. It'll be my word against someone else's. I expressed this to my boss, and realize that it's best for me to not have any responsibility if anything were to happen by not driving anymore. My boss said I don't want to do my job, but I explained to her that transportation was never required when I got hired. Now she says it is required, yet there are about four employees that don't drive. I am currently looking for a back up job, and was completely thrown off guard for this. They are giving me a hard time because I don't want to drive anymore. I sent them an email stating my concerns, and that my last day driving was last week. I have not driven since last week, and am worried they will fire me.

Any advice? I plan on leaving, and am looking for another job. I don't know if this is considered discrimination since there are employees who don't drive.

TLDR: Read company policy about what is required to drive company vehicle. I have been doing it for two years, and now realize I don't want to since there are no dash cameras for protection. Boss says driving is now required, yet four employees do not drive. I'm looking for another job since boss is giving me a hard time because I don't want to drive. What do I do?

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