
My boss tries to act sweet but he’s a POS.

I’ll preface this with the fact that I work at my college campus as a tour guide. Basically for incoming students I show them around, let them ask questions, all that junk. I really really like it. I have autism and social anxiety so it’s been a good way to get more accustomed to connecting with people without it being too scary. I thought the job was great. My boss was very nice but he puts on this weird facade of not knowing what he’s doing because he’s pretty young, but I just brushed it off. When I first got hired I was scheduled to work one hour a week, which being paid a little under 9 bucks an hour was wild. So I asked for more hours and I got them. Things seemed fine. And now this semester we’re back on square one. I filled out the availability form…

I’ll preface this with the fact that I work at my college campus as a tour guide. Basically for incoming students I show them around, let them ask questions, all that junk. I really really like it. I have autism and social anxiety so it’s been a good way to get more accustomed to connecting with people without it being too scary.

I thought the job was great. My boss was very nice but he puts on this weird facade of not knowing what he’s doing because he’s pretty young, but I just brushed it off. When I first got hired I was scheduled to work one hour a week, which being paid a little under 9 bucks an hour was wild. So I asked for more hours and I got them. Things seemed fine.

And now this semester we’re back on square one. I filled out the availability form and made it as easy as possible: just schedule me the same hours as last time. I literally formatted my classes so I could work those specific times.

Sure enough, when I look at the schedule, what do I work? Three hours a week. At this point just tell me you don’t care about me. My girlfriend says to just ask him for more hours, but my point is WHY do I have to ask every semester? Thanks but no thanks. I was scared to apply to somewhere like Best Buy or Ace Hardware, but now I feel like I have no choice because at least I’d receive more than 9 bucks a week. Fuck this.

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