
My boss wants me to come in for a shift despite it interfering with a counseling appointment

This counseling appointment was scheduled about a month in a half in advance. I gave her notice, and she said the shift is my responsibility unless I can get it covered. I’m freaking the fuck out because this is only my second week on the job and I don’t know anyone here. I would’ve just rescheduled the counseling appointment, but two days ago I attempted on my life and I am in an extremely distressful mental state. It got so bad that my university had to send me an email requiring me to see the dean of students because someone submitted an anonymous report about me. I just want break to start man, this semester’s been awful. And the one thing I was looking forward to (seeing a counselor) I might have to miss. I understand WHY I still need to find coverage, it’s just really scary not knowing anyone…

This counseling appointment was scheduled about a month in a half in advance. I gave her notice, and she said the shift is my responsibility unless I can get it covered. I’m freaking the fuck out because this is only my second week on the job and I don’t know anyone here.

I would’ve just rescheduled the counseling appointment, but two days ago I attempted on my life and I am in an extremely distressful mental state. It got so bad that my university had to send me an email requiring me to see the dean of students because someone submitted an anonymous report about me.

I just want break to start man, this semester’s been awful. And the one thing I was looking forward to (seeing a counselor) I might have to miss. I understand WHY I still need to find coverage, it’s just really scary not knowing anyone and having to ask when I’m sure most will say no. Damn

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