
My boss wants to fire me because I only work 60 hours. I’m supposed to work the weekend too.

TLDR: Everybody is pissed and trying to guilt-trip me because I won’t dedicate my life to work. I spend almost twelve hours every weekday, laboring under the hot sun. But the boss says that it’s not enough. You’re supposed to dedicate the weekends to the job too. I tell my boss that there’s no fucking way I’ll work the weekend. They tell me that they don’t have enough people for anyone to take off the weekends. Then, I get a call from my direct supervisor. He’s goin’ on about me being “privileged” and he wishes he could take the weekend off too. He tries to guilt trip me by saying they’ll need to cover me cause I’m lazy. It’s a fucking circus and they’re all clowns. My boss just fired someone cause he took the company truck for random joy rides and never did work. Now that want to fire…

TLDR: Everybody is pissed and trying to guilt-trip me because I won’t dedicate my life to work.

I spend almost twelve hours every weekday, laboring under the hot sun. But the boss says that it’s not enough. You’re supposed to dedicate the weekends to the job too. I tell my boss that there’s no fucking way I’ll work the weekend. They tell me that they don’t have enough people for anyone to take off the weekends.

Then, I get a call from my direct supervisor. He’s goin’ on about me being “privileged” and he wishes he could take the weekend off too. He tries to guilt trip me by saying they’ll need to cover me cause I’m lazy.

It’s a fucking circus and they’re all clowns. My boss just fired someone cause he took the company truck for random joy rides and never did work. Now that want to fire me cause I’ll only work sixty hours. Fuck. That. What a bunch degenerate, knuckle-dragging, lifeless sacks of shit. HIRE MORE PEOPLE. What the fuck? Who gets upset when they can only squeeze sixty hours out of an employee?

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