
my boss was literally counting money as he tried to deny me a break

this little dipshit, you should see him. i got stuck working cash for the last three hours of my shift because, surprise surprise, we had no staff again. as i was working, my boss came over to my till and told me to move aside for a minute. he started taking money out and counting it for whatever bookkeeping reason, stuffed it into an envelope and shoved it in his pocket. when he stepped a couple of feet away, another employee came to me saying she wanted to take her second break of the day and asked if i could stay and cover for her. i said sure but that i also needed to take my own second break. this absolute worm of a manager is like 'uuuuh, no. we all agreed to forfeit our second break today.' my coworker and i are blown away by this complete bullshit and,…

this little dipshit, you should see him. i got stuck working cash for the last three hours of my shift because, surprise surprise, we had no staff again. as i was working, my boss came over to my till and told me to move aside for a minute. he started taking money out and counting it for whatever bookkeeping reason, stuffed it into an envelope and shoved it in his pocket. when he stepped a couple of feet away, another employee came to me saying she wanted to take her second break of the day and asked if i could stay and cover for her. i said sure but that i also needed to take my own second break. this absolute worm of a manager is like 'uuuuh, no. we all agreed to forfeit our second break today.'

my coworker and i are blown away by this complete bullshit and, no, he wasn't joking. luckily, my coworker is a fifty year old puerto rican woman who takes nothing from anyone and i'm a millenial who can't make a living at this job anyway, so we were both like 'hell no, we never agreed to that, wtf is wrong with you'. vanquished, my boss left and my coworker was like 'wow, he thinks we're fucking stupid.' we'd been seeing people go for their break all afternoon. nobody forfeited anything. i guess he thought 'team players' would be swayed by a sense of duty not to take a break if they could be convinced everyone else had sacrificed too.

get. a. fucking. life.

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