
my boss was supposed to be on sabbatical for 3 months…it’s been less than 2.

3 sweet glorious months of not having to deal with his BS and lies about trying to make our lives easier when all he does is stand in our way and make our jobs harder. Our last call before he left was on June 24th. So silly me, I assumed that he would be back sometime around the end of September. A couple weeks ago at a staff meeting, I find out he's coming back right after labour day. What?! I was blindsided. At least I had a couple weeks to steel myself. It was repeated that this is when he would be back. And then, out of nowhere this morning, he messages in the Slack he's officially back TODAY. I can't even.

3 sweet glorious months of not having to deal with his BS and lies about trying to make our lives easier when all he does is stand in our way and make our jobs harder. Our last call before he left was on June 24th. So silly me, I assumed that he would be back sometime around the end of September. A couple weeks ago at a staff meeting, I find out he's coming back right after labour day. What?! I was blindsided. At least I had a couple weeks to steel myself. It was repeated that this is when he would be back. And then, out of nowhere this morning, he messages in the Slack he's officially back TODAY. I can't even.

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