
My boss wont answer my calls/messages after I came back from vacation.

Long story short, I started working for this place almost 3 months ago, but even before my start I explained to both of my new bosses that I already have a one month long vacation scheduled and will not be available to work. They agreed as long as I do my part and get the kitchen up and running (I’m a restaurant manager btw), train the employees and all that, which I did. I left for vacation, we kept in touch every few days to asses the situation and stuff, and everything was fine. Long story short, I came back and messaged one of them if we should meet up to discuss the current situation and all upcoming plans. I get ignored for few days, I try texting/calling again, and I get a message that he will call me in few days. He doesn’t call, I try to reach him…

Long story short, I started working for this place almost 3 months ago, but even before my start I explained to both of my new bosses that I already have a one month long vacation scheduled and will not be available to work.

They agreed as long as I do my part and get the kitchen up and running (I’m a restaurant manager btw), train the employees and all that, which I did.

I left for vacation, we kept in touch every few days to asses the situation and stuff, and everything was fine.

Long story short, I came back and messaged one of them if we should meet up to discuss the current situation and all upcoming plans.

I get ignored for few days, I try texting/calling again, and I get a message that he will call me in few days. He doesn’t call, I try to reach him again, yet no response.

Today I texted him again if he will finally give me a call which he answers and says he will in the afternoon, and again of course he doesn’t call/text me. I text him once again asking what’s the problem, and get ignored.

Anyone have any advice what to do in this situation? Can I even do anything at all? I live in Europe btw, if that means anything.

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