
My boss wrote me up for going to the er

I work for one of the soda beverages and it sucks. I'm always doing shifts that are longer than my 10 hours and always go above and beyond because I love my job. I hate my boss though. I told my boss last night I'm going to the er since I lost about 15 pounds and can't keep down food nor water for past 2 weeks. I told him I'm calling in sick for the next at 5pm. This man had the audacity to say “can't you tough it out sundays are your easiest day”, then proceeded to tell me this can get me fired. I don't have any write ups or anything. I'm like ok whatever dude . Like if I'm calling out sick it's not because I don't want to work it's because if I do work I'm going to either pass out or don't have the strength…

I work for one of the soda beverages and it sucks. I'm always doing shifts that are longer than my 10 hours and always go above and beyond because I love my job. I hate my boss though. I told my boss last night I'm going to the er since I lost about 15 pounds and can't keep down food nor water for past 2 weeks. I told him I'm calling in sick for the next at 5pm. This man had the audacity to say “can't you tough it out sundays are your easiest day”, then proceeded to tell me this can get me fired. I don't have any write ups or anything. I'm like ok whatever dude . Like if I'm calling out sick it's not because I don't want to work it's because if I do work I'm going to either pass out or don't have the strength to do my job. I worked when I had covid and a fever of 104. I wish I could've recorded the convo. Anyway after telling him I'm going to the er he put me on the schedule for 4 am start like dude I'm going to th er. Anyway I didn't call this morning because I was stuck in the er I couldn't get a bed until midnight after waiting 6 hours for a bed and didn't leave the er until 8am also because of that he said it going to be a no call no show. The reason why I've been throwing up too it's because I'm 8 weeks pregnant dealing with hg.
Just wanted to vent sorry for the Long rant.

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