
My boss wrote me up today

So my job is to move boxes around and inspect to ensure that there is no dents or any damage. My friend hurt his back lifting boxes and when I told my boss that he'd hurt his back and I'd like to bring him to he hospital. My boss then said that I shouldn't worry about him and that he'll be fine. I decided to just go and bring my friend to the hospital anyway. Coming in today, HR called me and said that I'm given a warning for refusing to do my job.

So my job is to move boxes around and inspect to ensure that there is no dents or any damage. My friend hurt his back lifting boxes and when I told my boss that he'd hurt his back and I'd like to bring him to he hospital. My boss then said that I shouldn't worry about him and that he'll be fine. I decided to just go and bring my friend to the hospital anyway.

Coming in today, HR called me and said that I'm given a warning for refusing to do my job.

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