
My brother-in-laws maid makes $350 in 4 hours.

That’s $3,500 every two weeks and $7,000 every month if she works 5 days a week (and has the clients to do so). Im also assuming most of this is tax free: If the maid was to work 8 hours a day that would be double. Not bad for having your own business not working for a boss. Edit: this is in the San Francisco area where price of living is insane.

That’s $3,500 every two weeks and $7,000 every month if she works 5 days a week (and has the clients to do so). Im also assuming most of this is tax free: If the maid was to work 8 hours a day that would be double. Not bad for having your own business not working for a boss.

Edit: this is in the San Francisco area where price of living is insane.

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