
My brother was just accepted a new role as a consultant

He works for a major US corporation that has different production factories across the US. His job as a consultant is to meet with workers and speak to them about their jobs and figure out ways to keep them happy and productive. He's learning as he goes but he says a major complaint is that their salaries do not match with the cost of inflation. He's trying to create a report to give to corporate to show them that it's more cost effective to give raises then to train new employees but he's struggling. Does anyone have any great data or reports you've done yourself I can share with him? I'm really proud of him for taking on this challenge and trying to make things better for the employees.

He works for a major US corporation that has different production factories across the US. His job as a consultant is to meet with workers and speak to them about their jobs and figure out ways to keep them happy and productive. He's learning as he goes but he says a major complaint is that their salaries do not match with the cost of inflation. He's trying to create a report to give to corporate to show them that it's more cost effective to give raises then to train new employees but he's struggling.

Does anyone have any great data or reports you've done yourself I can share with him?

I'm really proud of him for taking on this challenge and trying to make things better for the employees.

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