
My brother was told he’d be fired if he gets sick four times in six months. How are there not laws against this!?

For a little background, he works at a large grocery store chain (not the known evil one that’s usually talked about in these stories), this is his first job, and he’s autistic. He needed a few minor accommodations, which they worked with fairly well. He is an amazing employee, always on time, always smiling and looking for the next person to help. He’s always been a rule-follower. Really, I thought he’d be any employer’s dream employee. This morning, he was called in for a meeting with the manager. He had called out sick for two days a couple months ago, and came back with a doctor’s note. Nothing was said at the time. Now they’re saying, if calls out sick again, he’ll be written up, and after one more time, he’ll be fired! They said this will be case for six months after the first time he called out. My…

For a little background, he works at a large grocery store chain (not the known evil one that’s usually talked about in these stories), this is his first job, and he’s autistic. He needed a few minor accommodations, which they worked with fairly well. He is an amazing employee, always on time, always smiling and looking for the next person to help. He’s always been a rule-follower. Really, I thought he’d be any employer’s dream employee.

This morning, he was called in for a meeting with the manager. He had called out sick for two days a couple months ago, and came back with a doctor’s note. Nothing was said at the time. Now they’re saying, if calls out sick again, he’ll be written up, and after one more time, he’ll be fired! They said this will be case for six months after the first time he called out.

My brother is now absolutely terrified of getting sick! This is ridiculous! I’m going to encourage him to start looking for another job, because the anxiety about getting sick will be the thing that actually makes him sick, but this shouldn’t be legal.

It’s disgusting how these companies treat their employees, but it’s also disgusting for the customers. The restaurant and grocery store workers that handle our FOOD have to be there when they’re sick, and infect the rest of us, because they can’t afford to lose their job. How does anyone think this is ok?

Anyway, I’m just really frustrated about the state of things right now. Thanks for letting me scream into the void for a minute, lol!

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