
My call centre job is crushing me

It’s not even the actual work. It’s a call centre for aged care and I like talking and helping them with their services. It’s the MANAGEMENT. it’s the ridiculous KPI’s. Our handling time/call lengths are monitored (goal is 12 minutes average call) and I’ve been getting pulled up for having a long handling time the past couple months. They just refuse to accept that I’ve been getting frequent long and complex calls. They really believe I’m making these calls longer on purpose. I’m sick of being dehumanised by my team leader and talked to like I’m in a detention every week over something I CANT CONTROL. I don’t know how much longer i can do this it’s been a year. I don’t want to move on to another job I don’t want to work at all. Sometimes i consider whether I’d be happier being dead than in this society. I…

It’s not even the actual work. It’s a call centre for aged care and I like talking and helping them with their services. It’s the MANAGEMENT. it’s the ridiculous KPI’s. Our handling time/call lengths are monitored (goal is 12 minutes average call) and I’ve been getting pulled up for having a long handling time the past couple months. They just refuse to accept that I’ve been getting frequent long and complex calls. They really believe I’m making these calls longer on purpose. I’m sick of being dehumanised by my team leader and talked to like I’m in a detention every week over something I CANT CONTROL. I don’t know how much longer i can do this it’s been a year. I don’t want to move on to another job I don’t want to work at all. Sometimes i consider whether I’d be happier being dead than in this society. I just want to run away from uni and work and live in a self sustaining property with someone I love but I wouldn’t even know where to start. Im only 19.

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