
My companies IT sucks, actually the company sucks as a whole.

Working remote has been awesome, until I got back from vacation. My systems didn’t work, was able to log on but not much else. Things were fine for the first week, the company paid me since it wasn’t determined what the issue was. But then the second week of equipment issues started and they determined it wasn’t their issue. Told me the issue was caused by my internet service provided and to upgrade my internet, and I believed them at first too. Called up my ISP had multiple techs out (each visit cost extra) and after two weeks of that and talks over the phone my ISP told me there was no issue. At this time I suspected the same because I’ve been with the company for about a year at this point and I’ve never had issues before. Told the results to the IT dept and asked if I…

Working remote has been awesome, until I got back from vacation.

My systems didn’t work, was able to log on but not much else. Things were fine for the first week, the company paid me since it wasn’t determined what the issue was. But then the second week of equipment issues started and they determined it wasn’t their issue.

Told me the issue was caused by my internet service provided and to upgrade my internet, and I believed them at first too. Called up my ISP had multiple techs out (each visit cost extra) and after two weeks of that and talks over the phone my ISP told me there was no issue.

At this time I suspected the same because I’ve been with the company for about a year at this point and I’ve never had issues before. Told the results to the IT dept and asked if I could possibly get replacement equipment was told no and was referred to my ISP again.

Two more weeks go by of my trying everything in the book to see what’s wrong but nothing works. I nag IT enough and get new equipment and wouldn’t you know the moment I plug it in it works no problem. I asked after back pay since it was an equipment issue the whole time and they refused. Told me that it was just a coincidence.

Now I’m pissed, broke, and looking for new jobs.

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