
My company “doesn’t do cost of living increases”

I got told this by my manager today in a performance review. Huge multinational company, and I’m in a professional role. The review was excellent. I’ll find out my “merit increase” in the near future. When I heard this today, I realized with despair that my employer might be another one that substitutes praise for meaningful gain for its workers. I have serious doubts they’re going to give a merit based increase that covers current inflation and then some. Now I have a month to figure out the tactics of how to tell my manager, if my fears pan out, that anything less than about 8% is a pay cut, and even that’s just to stay even, and that I’ll be looking for another job. I like this job a lot, otherwise.

I got told this by my manager today in a performance review. Huge multinational company, and I’m in a professional role. The review was excellent. I’ll find out my “merit increase” in the near future. When I heard this today, I realized with despair that my employer might be another one that substitutes praise for meaningful gain for its workers. I have serious doubts they’re going to give a merit based increase that covers current inflation and then some.

Now I have a month to figure out the tactics of how to tell my manager, if my fears pan out, that anything less than about 8% is a pay cut, and even that’s just to stay even, and that I’ll be looking for another job. I like this job a lot, otherwise.

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