
My company fired me after asking me to stay.

So, I got a job last year as a writer and have been working for this finance company. I was the only one responsible for content and was their first hire in the role. As soon as I joined, I realised there isn't much work but I did my best of what they asked me to. I created social media posts which never saw the light of day because my boss was too busy handling clients to take a look at my work. There were days where I had no work to do but I kept feeling anxious about them calling me out even though they're the ones who weren't approving things I'd submitted. Often, they didn't like what I created and gave me vague feedback saying “make it classier”. Once or twice they liked my social media content but again, it fell through and was never posted. So, I…

So, I got a job last year as a writer and have been working for this finance company. I was the only one responsible for content and was their first hire in the role. As soon as I joined, I realised there isn't much work but I did my best of what they asked me to. I created social media posts which never saw the light of day because my boss was too busy handling clients to take a look at my work. There were days where I had no work to do but I kept feeling anxious about them calling me out even though they're the ones who weren't approving things I'd submitted. Often, they didn't like what I created and gave me vague feedback saying “make it classier”.
Once or twice they liked my social media content but again, it fell through and was never posted. So, I decided to quit because I didn't feel valued or like I was contributing anything and wanted to get rid of the anxiety of imposter syndrome.

They accepted my resignation and I told them my last day would be July 31st. They later asked me to stay a month more to finish the website revamp and I agreed because I didn't have another offer in hand yet and wanted the money. Then mid August the CEO called me and asked me to stay, saying they'd increase my pay and improve on the feedback mechanism.
I agreed because I felt I won't find another job and I decided to have a thick skin and not care about work and mint money.

I waited for them to give me the appraisal letter but they didn't and sent me the old compensation for both August and September and upon asking, set up a meeting. In the meeting, they told me that they're letting me go and would hire an agency instead. I told them I felt blindsided and the CEO replied that he was also blindsided when I quit (even tho I extended my notice period when they asked). In their dumb indecisiveness, they literally made me jobless, not realising how much power they hold.
Just a day before, my partner and I were discussing that in the sea of bloodsucking corporates, this company is better because they give plenty of PTOs, gave me a 40 percent hike (which ultimately turned out to be bogus), and are also taking the team out for a three day vacation. But alas, we learnt our lesson that all corporates are assholes and their bullsh**t image of being a nice workplaces with work-life balance doesn't really make them any better.

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