
My company had a job fair

This happened at work recently and I thought it would be appropriate to share here. The company that I work for has been struggling to attract and retain staff since COVID began. The director of the company decided that the best way to combat this staffing shortage was to hold a a job fair to get more applicants. (Instead of, you know paying a living wage or not labeling 90% of the staff as “part time” to avoid paying for benefits. But what do I know, I’m just a minor cog in the machine.) The company rented out several ballrooms at a fancy hotel and spent hundreds of man hours setting up tablets with the appropriate HR software, making flyers, setting up tables, ensuring that there was a overflow process in place in case they were flooded with applicants, etc. Because, you know, the public is just WAITING to apply…

This happened at work recently and I thought it would be appropriate to share here. The company that I work for has been struggling to attract and retain staff since COVID began. The director of the company decided that the best way to combat this staffing shortage was to hold a a job fair to get more applicants. (Instead of, you know paying a living wage or not labeling 90% of the staff as “part time” to avoid paying for benefits. But what do I know, I’m just a minor cog in the machine.)

The company rented out several ballrooms at a fancy hotel and spent hundreds of man hours setting up tablets with the appropriate HR software, making flyers, setting up tables, ensuring that there was a overflow process in place in case they were flooded with applicants, etc. Because, you know, the public is just WAITING to apply for a job that requires a 4 year degree that pays marginally over minimum wage that never schedules over 28 hours a week.

The big day finally arrives and only one applicant showed up. And they walked out when they found out there were only part time positions available. It took all that I had to stifle my laughter and not lose my job. Maybe they would’ve had a better turn out if they had free pizza.

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