
My company is forcing us to move our office back to the office they moved us from after it was shot up.

My coworkers and I were moved from a very unsafe building after it was shot up, bullets embedding themselves in computer desktops, holes everywhere. We consistently had problems at this office before this point, and with a single exit with major blind spots, in a bad part of the city, and no security, it wasn’t ideal. After it got shot up and the perp was never found, they moved us across the street. Now they are saying they have to move us out of our current location, so they are putting us back into the unsafe building. We almost didn’t find out until move day, but luckily another employee slipped up and notified us. We don’t really get a say. I feel helpless about the situation.

My coworkers and I were moved from a very unsafe building after it was shot up, bullets embedding themselves in computer desktops, holes everywhere. We consistently had problems at this office before this point, and with a single exit with major blind spots, in a bad part of the city, and no security, it wasn’t ideal. After it got shot up and the perp was never found, they moved us across the street. Now they are saying they have to move us out of our current location, so they are putting us back into the unsafe building. We almost didn’t find out until move day, but luckily another employee slipped up and notified us. We don’t really get a say. I feel helpless about the situation.

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