
My company is going to be completely without admin tomorrow.

I have worked for a small company for about five years. Is the type of company that claims “we are family” but only when it serves them, such as when they need something done after hours. I only work 20 hours a week and I don’t give a damn about the industry. There are only four admin and two of us are management. Basically bootlickers. Honestly. They talk about being friends but any time they discuss anything with the boss that would affect the other two of us, it’s hush-hush. It’s been a placeholder for me as I have been hoping to get a paid position at the place I volunteer. Well, as of Friday they offered me the position I’ve been waiting for after two years of working toward it! I planned to give them my notice on Tuesday when I go back to work. About 30 minutes after…

I have worked for a small company for about five years. Is the type of company that claims “we are family” but only when it serves them, such as when they need something done after hours. I only work 20 hours a week and I don’t give a damn about the industry.

There are only four admin and two of us are management. Basically bootlickers. Honestly. They talk about being friends but any time they discuss anything with the boss that would affect the other two of us, it’s hush-hush.

It’s been a placeholder for me as I have been hoping to get a paid position at the place I volunteer. Well, as of Friday they offered me the position I’ve been waiting for after two years of working toward it! I planned to give them my notice on Tuesday when I go back to work. About 30 minutes after I accepted the new position, I got a phone call from the only other coworker in the office that knows how to do what I do. They laid her off! Since I have Fridays and Mondays off, they naturally didn’t mention anything to me and I expect to walk into a shit show on Tuesday with them expecting me to do her job. Surprise, motherfucker!

I just think it’s disgusting that my “work friends” didn’t think a phone call was warranted for them to warn me that I was going to be doing the job of two people moving forward.

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