
My company is making us return to office even though they have openly aknolwedged greater success out of office

I began working in one of the top entertainment companies in the world's advertising units in February of this year after working in another branch for a few years. Moving branches allowed me to move out of Orlando to somewhere I could afford all the way up the east coast. In April they did this whole announcement that since the pandemic advertising has doubled down in profits due to the streaming services and linear TV successes and new clients are lining up for space on the side variety of channels etc. Really big pat on the back that the rich are getting richer, but whatever. At the end of the announcement they say, “Are clients love how available we are now that we're working from home and that we have strong relationships and more realism in our relationships and feel more connected as a brand than ever…that being said whoever…

I began working in one of the top entertainment companies in the world's advertising units in February of this year after working in another branch for a few years. Moving branches allowed me to move out of Orlando to somewhere I could afford all the way up the east coast. In April they did this whole announcement that since the pandemic advertising has doubled down in profits due to the streaming services and linear TV successes and new clients are lining up for space on the side variety of channels etc. Really big pat on the back that the rich are getting richer, but whatever. At the end of the announcement they say, “Are clients love how available we are now that we're working from home and that we have strong relationships and more realism in our relationships and feel more connected as a brand than ever…that being said whoever wants to begin coming into the NYC office is welcome to do so” which roughly translates to most teams will be required in office one day a week. For me and where I move this is a 5 hour round trip commute for a role I was told was 100% remote with no plans of changing due to the success of WFH. I fought to stay remote and was given until labour day and then they would reassess based on other employees success…well the program was a failure. My team is in office on Tuesday/Wednesday split pretty evenly and everyone I talk to pretty much says clients ghost and avoid them on their in office days because they seem “more drained” “less excited” “more distracted” “less considerate” etc. I've seen the written and heard the verbal complaints because even in office we are all continually on zoom calls.
All this being said and done the company has done theri reevaluation and I will now be REQUIRED to come in 4 days a week to “make use of office space” and this coupled with the most tone deaf email I've seen in a long time including a list of 10 things to consider when going back to office “#7 you're getting your me time back while commuting where you're out of the house not having to deal with your bothersome family, pets, neighbors, etc.” “#3 lines have been blurred we became closer seeing into eachother homes and lives so remember to begin closing up that door and respecting the office space” “#9 your able to brush the dust off your commuter bag” “#5 break out the biodegradable cups and remember how when you rely on the water cooler you have the opportunity to net work and forge relationships” … Just everything on the list felt like a back hand or someone trying to comfort you when you have a major loss in your life but they say all the wrong things. Not to make this more personal but I lost my mother a few years ago and someone I used to be friends with sat with me and said “at least you won't have to call her every time you drive home from work now or have her visit once a month” and it was just the worst take on comforting me I have ever had and this email brought me back to that exact moment of going from frustration and upsetment at the situation as a whole to targeted anger.
I currently work with 6 clients and two of them have already asked me to only handle their meetings on my day at home and another client that I've forged a freindship with their representative over the last few months has offered me her family's rental home in Long Island for a few months until I can move again into some place closer probably paying even more than I payed in Florida.
I just don't understand how you can say people actively avoiding our business on days were in office warrants more need for us in office especially since we are making more money than ever being remote.

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