
My company is overworking me and now I feel like my boss is setting me up to fail?

I got a position a couple months ago and was put in a position where little to no training was given. It’s an annual position so things come up constantly that I hadn’t known about and I’m expected to figure out how to accomplish tasks with little to no instruction. Recently, other departments have been allocating work to me that’s beyond my pay grade and work description. I have so much on my plate that I’m starting to miss deadlines. On top of that, my boss is stating that she gave me a task to complete and I can’t find record of her request anywhere. I honestly don’t remember it being allocated to me whatsoever and she’s just saying she gave it to me verbally. What do you think?

I got a position a couple months ago and was put in a position where little to no training was given. It’s an annual position so things come up constantly that I hadn’t known about and I’m expected to figure out how to accomplish tasks with little to no instruction. Recently, other departments have been allocating work to me that’s beyond my pay grade and work description. I have so much on my plate that I’m starting to miss deadlines. On top of that, my boss is stating that she gave me a task to complete and I can’t find record of her request anywhere. I honestly don’t remember it being allocated to me whatsoever and she’s just saying she gave it to me verbally. What do you think?

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