
My company shorted our checks yesterday, so we’re not going in today.

Yesterday was payday and everyone woke up to our checks being massively short. When we questioned it in our work chat, I was told we weren't allowed to discuss pay in that chat. Then the new asshole of a regional director told us it was because of the company doing a realignment. If that would've been the case, shouldn't they have warned us about it? He then lied and said it would be fixed by the end of the day, it wasn't. Then they said that they had to make sure the mass amount of people they let go had to be paid first, which makes no sense because they've been paying us all at once everytime. This manager is acting like it wasn't a big deal and said wait until Tuesday. My bills won't wait. So I called out today. I'm already off Sunday and Monday, and I'm not…

Yesterday was payday and everyone woke up to our checks being massively short. When we questioned it in our work chat, I was told we weren't allowed to discuss pay in that chat. Then the new asshole of a regional director told us it was because of the company doing a realignment. If that would've been the case, shouldn't they have warned us about it? He then lied and said it would be fixed by the end of the day, it wasn't. Then they said that they had to make sure the mass amount of people they let go had to be paid first, which makes no sense because they've been paying us all at once everytime.

This manager is acting like it wasn't a big deal and said wait until Tuesday. My bills won't wait. So I called out today. I'm already off Sunday and Monday, and I'm not going back in until my check is corrected. It shouldn't be legal for these companies to delay peoples checks, that could literally mean someone's lights are turned off or they anger their landlords, which I did.

I hate the way these comapnies treat people, and it's been the same with almost everyone I've worked for.

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