
My company wants to track me and I’m secretly working from home!

I do data entry for software sales. Basically once the salesperson makes the sale, I go to the client and collect all of the information and forms, and get everything entered in my company's system. Example, a list of the employees who need to be set up as users, and their access level. I also have the clients sign legal disclosure forms and upload the signed documents. Pre-pandemic I would go to the client sites in person. During the pandemic, I did everything by email. Now… there is A LOT of pressure from management to go back to the clients' offices like we did before. I pretty much ignored that. You see, a lot of clients don't have offices anymore because they are working from home. The ones that still have offices find it more convenient to email me their forms rather than setting up a scheduled meeting that takes…

I do data entry for software sales. Basically once the salesperson makes the sale, I go to the client and collect all of the information and forms, and get everything entered in my company's system. Example, a list of the employees who need to be set up as users, and their access level. I also have the clients sign legal disclosure forms and upload the signed documents. Pre-pandemic I would go to the client sites in person. During the pandemic, I did everything by email.

Now… there is A LOT of pressure from management to go back to the clients' offices like we did before. I pretty much ignored that. You see, a lot of clients don't have offices anymore because they are working from home. The ones that still have offices find it more convenient to email me their forms rather than setting up a scheduled meeting that takes hours out of their day.

I used to spend average 4 hours in the car daily, driving around to remote locations around the state. All so they could physically hand me some forms. Without having to drive, I get more work done now than ever before. My productivity numbers are the highest out of all my coworkers. I only work 5 hours a day but I am salary so if my work is done, I don't see the issue. I don't have to report my time or punch a clock.

Here's the problem. Apparently they have a cellular card installed in my company laptop which I didn't know about. I haven't used it because I use my home wi-fi. Today I get a message from my manager that they noticed I have zero data usage on my laptop. My first thought was… why in the hell are they tracking me? I have several coworkers who do not meet their numbers for the month. I'm getting my work done, leave me alone.

Now I'm worried if I connect using their cell card, that's just like a cell phone tracker. They will be able to see that I am always at home. If they find out, they will cut my pay in half. I don't want to argue with out of touch managers who have no idea what it's like in the real world. They refuse to see that the world has changed.

I don't know if there is a way to make it look like I'm going out to different locations? Or should I log in and hope they don't notice that I'm working from home all the time? Or don't use their cell card and keep using my home internet? Any suggestions?

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