
My coworker is prioritizing a report over her health

She has a slew of health problems. The latest being an infection in her foot that could result in an amputation. Her doctors keep telling her to not walk on it, to use crutches if she absolutely has to walk, but to otherwise STAY OFF OF IT so it heals. She comes into the office almost every day with no crutches. She's doing this because she has a priority customer who threatens to leave the company every day. This morning I asked her a question and she answered it, then said, “I may have to go back to the hospital, I'm in anaphylaxis again. I just got out of the hospital yesterday lol” To which I said, “Um, and you're not at the hospital now?” “I mean, I should probably leave now, but I'm trying to get this report done.” Woman, no. Take care of yourself first. This is bullshit…

She has a slew of health problems. The latest being an infection in her foot that could result in an amputation.

Her doctors keep telling her to not walk on it, to use crutches if she absolutely has to walk, but to otherwise STAY OFF OF IT so it heals.

She comes into the office almost every day with no crutches. She's doing this because she has a priority customer who threatens to leave the company every day.

This morning I asked her a question and she answered it, then said, “I may have to go back to the hospital, I'm in anaphylaxis again. I just got out of the hospital yesterday lol”

To which I said, “Um, and you're not at the hospital now?”

“I mean, I should probably leave now, but I'm trying to get this report done.”

Woman, no. Take care of yourself first. This is bullshit that people have to think like this, otherwise the customer will “leave,” or they'll get let go or whatever. No. Take care of yourself first.

I would quit.

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