
My coworker is “quiet quitting” (the bad version) and it is screwing me over

Let’s start this off by saying: Quiet quitting, good version: Doing The Work You Are Paid To. Only what’s in job description. Advocating for your rights. Doing what is expected of you but not above and beyond for no extra pay. Quiet quitting, bad version: not working anymore but showing up to work. Sweet talking management into getting to leave early. Not getting fired cause you’re a management favorite. I work at a restaurant. I host and I buss. They pay very well. One of the best paying places in my city. I’ve been bussing more recently and have been exposed to the faults of my coworker who we will call Bryan. (That’s not his actual name.) Bryan and I were hired on the same day, me as host, him as busser. I left for 2 months for a trip then came back and started bussing and hosting. He belittles…

Let’s start this off by saying:
Quiet quitting, good version: Doing The Work You Are Paid To. Only what’s in job description. Advocating for your rights. Doing what is expected of you but not above and beyond for no extra pay.
Quiet quitting, bad version: not working anymore but showing up to work. Sweet talking management into getting to leave early. Not getting fired cause you’re a management favorite.

I work at a restaurant. I host and I buss. They pay very well. One of the best paying places in my city.

I’ve been bussing more recently and have been exposed to the faults of my coworker who we will call Bryan. (That’s not his actual name.)
Bryan and I were hired on the same day, me as host, him as busser. I left for 2 months for a trip then came back and started bussing and hosting.
He belittles me for what I can and can’t do. Is so snarky to me. And doesn’t do what he is paid to. (Aka, he sits in the kitchen and does nothing while tables are dirty in his section) And management does nothing. I am expected to pick up his slack because I’m the other busser on when we work together. This wouldn’t fly if I did this to management. I’m so sick of it. I hate this idea that fucking over coworkers is ok in his eyes. He should just quit but he loves the paycheck.

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