
My coworker is the boogie man of the department

Nothing has every made me want to leave a job faster than a bully that a boss refuses to reign in. Mostly, I think my boss is great. Super friendly, generous with the time off, very supportive of change etc, but his assistant may have an untreated personality disorder. She tells me it’s a violation of company policy to use your work computer to look up a phone number for personal reasons and then use to office to call it and make a dr’s appoint. It’s a violation to scan some documents so you can email them to your insurer. It’s a violation to allow anyone to use the plastic forks in the break room because that’s personal use. Omg. And she is super nasty about it. And she will ask me for something and be completely dismissive when I tell how I will provide it. Why do supervisor allow…

Nothing has every made me want to leave a job faster than a bully that a boss refuses to reign in. Mostly, I think my boss is great. Super friendly, generous with the time off, very supportive of change etc, but his assistant may have an untreated personality disorder. She tells me it’s a violation of company policy to use your work computer to look up a phone number for personal reasons and then use to office to call it and make a dr’s appoint. It’s a violation to scan some documents so you can email them to your insurer. It’s a violation to allow anyone to use the plastic forks in the break room because that’s personal use. Omg. And she is super nasty about it. And she will ask me for something and be completely dismissive when I tell how I will provide it. Why do supervisor allow this shit instead of doing their jobs and taking care of it.

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