
my coworker was promised a supervisor position!

Well I think you guys know where this is going…. A coworker of mine, (F 25) was trained to become a supervisor and she was promised the position in fact one of the managers even went as far as telling her on Monday she starts her new position and kept hyping her up and training her. On Friday before the new position started for her, they had her sit down and do her regular employee work and not running the floors and training which she thought was weird. She went up to one of the managers and asked them “what's going on? why am I not being trained today? and why haven't I done my interview yet? are you guys not doing an interview for me and just putting me in the position on Monday?” The manager turned the other way looked at her and flat out said “I'm sorry…

Well I think you guys know where this is going…. A coworker of mine, (F 25) was trained to become a supervisor and she was promised the position in fact one of the managers even went as far as telling her on Monday she starts her new position and kept hyping her up and training her. On Friday before the new position started for her, they had her sit down and do her regular employee work and not running the floors and training which she thought was weird. She went up to one of the managers and asked them “what's going on? why am I not being trained today? and why haven't I done my interview yet? are you guys not doing an interview for me and just putting me in the position on Monday?” The manager turned the other way looked at her and flat out said “I'm sorry we can't give you the position because our client did not want you for the position & you have met you stats”.

Mind you the only time she's ever met this ” client” was one time and he asked her (like he asked everyone else) what can be fixed with our company and she suggested that there was a direct line (let's call them sales) that always gives a hard time when transferring customers and that maybe they should talk to them and Coach them to be better.(not litterly what she said but along those lines) I guess he didn't like that answer but this was a few months ago.

As for her stats she obviously hasn't been doing her job because she has been training for over a month for this position and hasn't had a chance to do her job which is take phone calls. hence why she has low to no stats.

Now they gave the position to somebody who has not been at work for over 2 weeks (constantly goes on vacation/ doesn't have good metrics) and doesn't know how to do the job as well as she does.

To make it even better they asked her to train the guy they picked over her on how to be a supervisor. And then kept having her train other people as if she was a supervisor which is not what her job is. Well continuously telling her that's “okay we'll just have you take the supervisor position next month, which opens up next month”.

She's feeling embarrassed and stupid unfortunately!!

Is there anything that she can do because this is ridiculous this is so uncalled for and this is so wrong on so many levels. They did tell her that she can reapply for the position that's coming up in a month but she heard from another manager that they have already hired externally for that position.

I also want to add that all of our coworkers, have been treating her as if she's a supervisor and listening to her and now we are all upset. A lot of us have felt the need to say something but have not so we don't cause any problems in the workplace and get ourselves in trouble. also as her request we are all still nice to the new supervisor because it's not his fault that he was made a manager and not her!

but we are all very upset on the way she was treated and how she was promised a position that it seemed like she was just never going to get. I really feel bad for my coworker because she spent a lot of time and effort in making everything easy for everybody training everybody who she was training and literally doing a better job than the supervisors that were there already and it really hurts my heart every time she tells me that she feels stupid for believing them or she feels embarrassed because she fell for something so silly and should have known better.

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