
My coworkers are currently shunning me because I didn’t come into work my day off

Like the title says— for context, the most senior coworker had gone on vacation, came home with COVID. Boss made the schedule on the Thursday before this week (work week starts with Mondays, so literally 3 days prior). That coworker was scheduled this past Monday, even though last Wednesday boss was informed of the positive diagnosis. A friend of that coworker, who also works here, chose to cover that shift. Boss regularly schedules too few people for the shifts, so they still also asked me to on Sunday, I said no. They kept asking throughout my shift, and left with a ‘see you tomorrow’. This is the first day I’m scheduled with most senior coworker and friend, they’re currently pretending I don’t exist. Yesterday and the day before I had to work solo because everyone took the day off, one person was too few for what was needed. I’m not…

Like the title says— for context, the most senior coworker had gone on vacation, came home with COVID. Boss made the schedule on the Thursday before this week (work week starts with Mondays, so literally 3 days prior). That coworker was scheduled this past Monday, even though last Wednesday boss was informed of the positive diagnosis.

A friend of that coworker, who also works here, chose to cover that shift. Boss regularly schedules too few people for the shifts, so they still also asked me to on Sunday, I said no. They kept asking throughout my shift, and left with a ‘see you tomorrow’.

This is the first day I’m scheduled with most senior coworker and friend, they’re currently pretending I don’t exist.

Yesterday and the day before I had to work solo because everyone took the day off, one person was too few for what was needed. I’m not even supposed to be without supervision, never was trained or certified to do what they claim is part of my duties as someone hired for a totally unrelated job.

Fuck toxic workplaces— This small business that likes to call employees a ‘family’ and combines 5 jobs into one.

Already have a new job starting in a few weeks.

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