
my coworkers are racist

i started a new job in march. since then I've had two conversations with coworkers that i feel were racist. one guy asked me if my middle eastern coworkers made me feel uncomfortable because people from “that part of the world” don't view women very well. he also, same conversation, said they ( i don't know who) had a nickname for the tall one. i did't want to know what it was and just repeated that his name was (name). the other conversation was with someone who works in my area, call him J. he thinks he's funny. he likes saying really off the wall things as “jokes”. but he's really just annoying. he came up to me when i was waiting to clock out for the day and said ” they (my middle eastern coworkers) don't like him very much and maybe he should come dressed as serbian. i…

i started a new job in march. since then I've had two conversations with coworkers that i feel were racist. one guy asked me if my middle eastern coworkers made me feel uncomfortable because people from “that part of the world” don't view women very well. he also, same conversation, said they ( i don't know who) had a nickname for the tall one. i did't want to know what it was and just repeated that his name was (name).

the other conversation was with someone who works in my area, call him J. he thinks he's funny. he likes saying really off the wall things as “jokes”. but he's really just annoying. he came up to me when i was waiting to clock out for the day and said ” they (my middle eastern coworkers) don't like him very much and maybe he should come dressed as serbian. i took a second to process that, and told him that was pretty racist. he kinda looked at me for a beat, like he was waiting for me to take it back. i just stared at him. he back peddled by saying he himself was jewish (?) and started talking about how jewish people dress and explaining to me why they grow their sideburns long.

what really bugs me is that those three men are some of the best coworkers i've ever worked with. they're N and A N is endlessly patient with me. he always shows me in great detail how to do a job and will check my work for me to make sure its done right. and will give me constructive feed back until i feel comfortable i can do the job perfect. A is the friendliest man i know, and not in a creepy way. in the short time i've know him i can see that he makes the effort to greet everyone by name. always a smile on his face. works himself to the bone to get all his work done and then help others. neither man has ever made me feel uncomfortable or like they treated me different because i was a woman.

i know if i say anything to my manager she'd do something about it . i've never been put in this kind of position before. i don't know maybe i'm being over sensitive but i just felt so uncomfortable during both those conversations.

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