
My coworkers house burned and she’s here working.

So last night my coworkers house burned down. Someone set it on fire. All she has left are a few clothes that she had at her daughter's house. The woman still came into work today. It just sucks so bad that now especially she can't afford to not work. And work has never treated her well. I've known her almost two years now and her treatment by management and the company just is just poop. She's been working at her job since 2001 and just in October of 2021 was she made full time AND she just got to $10 an hour. Management is always giving her more work than she can handle. I'm not trying to be ageist, but she's almost 70 and she's doing way to much heavy lifting. She even has a doctors note that she's not supposed to lift over 15lbs and do they care NO.…

So last night my coworkers house burned down. Someone set it on fire. All she has left are a few clothes that she had at her daughter's house. The woman still came into work today. It just sucks so bad that now especially she can't afford to not work. And work has never treated her well.

I've known her almost two years now and her treatment by management and the company just is just poop. She's been working at her job since 2001 and just in October of 2021 was she made full time AND she just got to $10 an hour. Management is always giving her more work than she can handle. I'm not trying to be ageist, but she's almost 70 and she's doing way to much heavy lifting.
She even has a doctors note that she's not supposed to lift over 15lbs and do they care NO. Manager even told someone she weighted everything she liftsand it's not over the weight limit. Which is a bald faced lie!

Oh I work at a bakery Deli. An industrial sized mixer full of cream cheese is so heavy that it makes my tendons hurt. I work as a cake decorator and lifting that mixer with 50lbs + of buttercream isn't an easy task I usually have someone help me cause I'm not willing to strain myself. But lots of times she doesn't have anyone to help her.

Manger messes up the schedule and well they'll call her in on her day off and she'll come in. They'll give her too much to do even though they should be thankful she even agreed to come in. They've taken hours away after she did overtime despite there being no earthly way to get lists done and still clean and wait on customers. Heck I've done the same thing and they've never cut mine!

Some are probably like why doesn't she work somewhere else, but well this is a small town and there's not much else here. She also doesn't have a car either. It just sucks to see her in here trying not to cry. My coworkers and I are already trying to donate money and clothes to her. Just sucks that she can't afford to take off for one day.

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