
My CSMs Hates Me

I work as a cashier and my mini bosses or Customer Service Managers hate me. When I started working, I had three with 1 guy and two girls.The guy was the only decent one in the sense that he actually did his job. Since you can't leave the registers, you're supposed to use codes in the register to do things called action codes. You punch in a series of numbers and then a button that says action code. I don't remember all of them, but I know 203 is needing individual change, 207 is carry out, 217 is round of change, 248 calls for a manger/CSM, 3 let's you see the statistics of your register, etc. CSMs are supposed to have this fancy company issued device, and every time you use an action code, they get an instant notification saying that you need something. Well, at the time, only the…

I work as a cashier and my mini bosses or Customer Service Managers hate me.

When I started working, I had three with 1 guy and two girls.The guy was the only decent one in the sense that he actually did his job.

Since you can't leave the registers, you're supposed to use codes in the register to do things called action codes. You punch in a series of numbers and then a button that says action code. I don't remember all of them, but I know 203 is needing individual change, 207 is carry out, 217 is round of change, 248 calls for a manger/CSM, 3 let's you see the statistics of your register, etc.

CSMs are supposed to have this fancy company issued device, and every time you use an action code, they get an instant notification saying that you need something.

Well, at the time, only the guy would actually respond. The girls would see the notification, but they wouldn't answer it. He didn't clock in until pretty late, so for most of the day, you would just suffer. He quit recently, so now it's just the female CSMs. Nothing's getting done, and I've been told by other cashiers that they're trying to transfer to a different store because of how much the CSMs suck. I wish I could do that, but I live a little ways further and can barely afford the current trip.

You will more likely be sent to break before you get change. I have asked for change six times in two hours before and still got nothing. You never get your break on time either.

Well, my CSMs, especially one in particular, don't like me at all. I think it might have something to do with the fact that the other cashiers are all either women 40+ years old or guys in their 20s. I'm female who just turned 20, so I'm around the same age as the CSMs. Maybe they see me as competition? I don't want their jobs or anything. Whatever it is, they're picking on me all the time.

They never give me change. They never show up when I request them. I never get my breaks on time, and I never get to clock out on time.

One time I asked for change twice and the CSM three times and still got nothing. I saw one of them walking by and waved. She came over, and I said I requested change. She left and came back with a different cashier to take over my register, and then she took me to a side room called The Coin Office. She called over the other CSM, and they both berated me and said that I was to never talk to them without using an action code even though I already did, and everyone else can talk to them whenever. Then they started claiming that the action code I was using, 217, didn't exist and that I was stupid. But I had a printed-out list from the register of the codes in my pocket and showed them that it was in fact real. Then they said I must have been lying because I they didn't get the notification. They had no proof that I was “lying”. They finally settled in the excuse that we “had maintenance come over earlier that day”, and they must have changed it so the code didn't work and that I should have known.

Another time, I needed one someone to close my register so I could clock out, but I kept requesting them, and no one showed up. I saw a different cashier who was about to go talk to one of them anything, and I asked them if they could remind the CSM when they found them that I needed to leave. That CSM closed my register but wouldn't let me clock out just yet. She gave me speech about how she's “busy” and that I will never get to leave on time rver and shouldn't expect to.

They're awful, and even though the job is pretty easy overall, they make it an unbearable nightmare.

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