
My dad might be having a stroke and my boss may not believe me

I was already trying to get coverage for today because he was acting quite erratic, and I thought he may be unstable I told my boss I did not feel comfortable leaving to go to work today but he guilted me into working/stated my attendance was an issue because I missed 1 day Now I find out he’s on his way to the hospital, I told my boss and never actually asked to leave, he told me to just go But he made sure to state 3 times that he wants to see documentation that I was/will be at the hospital Is this even legal?? I came in early today to try to leave early bc I didn’t like the situation, so I’m really only leaving an hour early.

I was already trying to get coverage for today because he was acting quite erratic, and I thought he may be unstable
I told my boss I did not feel comfortable leaving to go to work today but he guilted me into working/stated my attendance was an issue because I missed 1 day
Now I find out he’s on his way to the hospital, I told my boss and never actually asked to leave, he told me to just go
But he made sure to state 3 times that he wants to see documentation that I was/will be at the hospital

Is this even legal??
I came in early today to try to leave early bc I didn’t like the situation, so I’m really only leaving an hour early.

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