
my daughter is paying workers comp taxes that the company has to pay.

My daughter received her first paycheck today from a small mom and pop catering company in Washington State. Out of her paycheck she is paying the standard federal taxes, social security etc. Washington State does not have income tax, but they do now have a paid family medical leave that employees are taxed on. Just your standard payroll deductions we all pay. Now this is where it gets weird, and where I can't find information about the legality of what her employer is doing. On her paycheck it says Washington State workers comp and there is a deduction. She mentioned this to the owner and the response was “we have to pay the state workers comp for you to work here, so that is a standard deduction from your paycheck”. I have worked a few places over the last 30 years, and I have never paid into workers comp personally.…

My daughter received her first paycheck today from a small mom and pop catering company in Washington State. Out of her paycheck she is paying the standard federal taxes, social security etc. Washington State does not have income tax, but they do now have a paid family medical leave that employees are taxed on. Just your standard payroll deductions we all pay. Now this is where it gets weird, and where I can't find information about the legality of what her employer is doing. On her paycheck it says Washington State workers comp and there is a deduction. She mentioned this to the owner and the response was “we have to pay the state workers comp for you to work here, so that is a standard deduction from your paycheck”. I have worked a few places over the last 30 years, and I have never paid into workers comp personally. I thought this was something that employer's had to pay? I told her I think this is a shady business move and she should start looking for another job!

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